These muscles attach to the scapular surface and assist with abduction and external and internal rotation of the glenohumeral joint. A lot of people will excessively medially rotate the humerus during pressing motions, predisposing them to injury as well as (releative) weakness. The scapula presented external rotation, upward rotation and posterior tilting during the studied movement. The functional scapula motions of upward rotation, posterior tilt, and external rotation increase the width of the subacromial space during humeral elevation. The scapula follows the contour of the ribs by rotating internally and externally at the AC joint in combination with clavicular protraction and retraction at the SC joint. Also called the scapula, your shoulder blades provide stability to your rotator cuff. Retraction Of Scapula. Studies using both motion tracking systems and indwelling bone pins have demonstrated that total scapular m… This encourages scapular posterior tilting and external rotation (inferior angle and medial border moved anteriorly toward thorax) and approximates the scapula to a midposition on the thorax. External rotation. Abduction (protraction) of the scapula. scaplular muscles include the supraspinatus, subscapularis, teres minor, infraspinatus, deltoid and teres major. Rhomboids Scapula dyskinesis; GIRD (glenohumeral internal rotation deficit) There is a loss of glenohumeral internal rotation and increase in external rotation, often the posterior cuff & capsule become tight and there is anterior translation of the humeral head resulting in secondary impingement. Found insideSee what it takes to improve consistency and performance on the court. Tennis Anatomy will show you how to ace the competition by increasing strength, speed, and agility for more powerful serves and more accurate shots. Active Range Of Motion External Rotation in … Found inside – Page iManual Therapy of the Extremities presents manual therapy techniques from a variety of perspectives. This article will discuss the anatomy and functions of the infraspinatus muscle. As the SRT was applied, the impingement test(s) that originally provoked pain were repeated and the athlete again rated his or her pain. The simpler movements of the external rotation with the arm held by the side can be described similarly: 1. 3.5). Writing it down so I don’t forget. This unique book - the first of its kind exclusive on disorders of the scapula - is a concise but comprehensive summary of the evidence that will enable clinicians to understand the scapula from its functions to its dysfunctions and ... Depicts both normal and abnormal anatomy, as well as disease progression, through more than 600 detailed, high-quality images, most of which are new to this edition. Responsible for assisting with shoulder flexion especially beyond 90º of flexion. The pitchers in this study completed a team-mandated shoulder exercise program during the season, this was not required of the position players TYPE OF EXERCISE. Conversely, internal rotation and adduction of the shoulder are tested by having the patient reach behind the back and touch the inferior aspect of the opposite scapula. Your shoulder blade is important for movement and range of motion in your shoulders. Exercise 1. The muscle originates from the skull and the spinous processes of the first cervical vertebra through the 12th thoracic vertebra [7, 44]. These motions are accomplished by motion between the humerus (arm bone) and scapula (shoulder blade) as well as between the scapula and the chest wall. ARTHROKINETICS Since functional movement is the goal of most Exercise 1: Supine eccentric external rotation. Full external rotation, with abduction or flexion above 60-90º is the closed-packed position for the gleno-humeral joint – which means once there, your joint is more congruent, which may provide passive stability, however that depends on the direction of force. The new edition of the well-respected Brotzman has been updated to consistently include evidence-based rehabilitation protocols, as well as comprehensive coverage and videos at a great value! Abduction (protraction) of the scapula. A movement where the scapula moves laterally away … Humerus: External vs Internal Rotation GT External Rotation Profiles GT LT G GT Humerus Neutral Internal GT en face LT T LT GT profiled GT en face Looks like Ice cream cone I = Ice cream I = Internal rotationS,D 32yoF Animated GIF Bones Radiographs AP & Obl Ax & WP joints on Y & ACJ AC Injury ALL GH Dislocate AAnterior The arm was … Weeks 1-3. External rotation (60°) - Internal rotation (30°) During these movements, the scapula is stabilized by the muscles that attach to it and by the ligaments of the AC joint. Weeks 1-3. Shoulder adducted against the body. Depresses and stabilizes the clavicle. The group with obvious dyskinesis reported 6 points lower on Penn shoulder function (0–60 points), exhibited a main group effect of less scapular external rotation of 2.1° during ascent and 2.5° during descent, and had 12.0% higher upper trapezius muscle activity during ascent in the 30° to 60° interval. Anterior and lateral motion, described as scapular protraction, is produced by the serratus anterior and pectoralis major and minor muscles. The functional scapula motions of upward rotation, posterior tilt, and external rotation increase the width of the subacromial space during humeral elevation. These motions are accomplished by motion between the humerus (arm bone) and scapula (shoulder blade) as well as between the scapula and the chest wall. Responsible for assisting with shoulder flexion especially beyond 90º of flexion. Lacking strength in these tissues can cause someone to become more internally rotated, but also makes it incredibly hard to achieve external rotation at the glenohumeral joint. Found insideHere is all the guidance you need to customize interventions for individuals with movement dysfunction. 2009 Definition of Scapular Movements Winging: – abnormal movement of the scapula – about a vertical axis at the AC joint in which – the vertebral border moves in a posterior and lateral direction away from the ribcage – (Hall, CM, Brody LT.) 8 Scapulothoracic Motion The cue I like to use with my patients is to “point the bottom of your scapula forward.” I find this helps promote scapular posterior tilt and external rotation (in addition to proper scapular upward rotation). Cane-Assisted External Rotation at 20 degrees, 45 degrees and 90 degrees Abduction 5. External Rotation With Arm Abducted 90° _____ Main muscles worked: Infraspinatus and teres minor You should feel this exercise at the back of your shoulder and into your upper back Equipment needed: Use an elastic stretch band of comfortable resistance. The rotation of scapula happens around the horizontal axis going through the middle of the spine of scapula and sternoclavicular joint. A suggestion for progression of eccentric external rotator strenght training is presented with increasing challenge for stabilisation. They were measured in: scapular upward rotation (0,60,90,120 degrees), forward scapular posture. Their activation and coupling are the most responsible for upward rotation, external rotation and posterior tilt of the scapula. Passive forward elevation (PFE) in the plane of scapula to 90 -100 degrees, self passive elevation on back. The functional scapula motions of upward rotation, posterior tilt, and external rotation increase the width of the subacromial space during humeral elevation. A scapula angle of 20-30 degrees (see below) should be used (the scapular plane) as this offers the best alignment for the rotations to occur around with minimal scapula involvement. INTERNAL GH rotation (elbow posterior to wrist) promotes the opposite. Normal scapular function occurs as a result of three-dimensional scapular motions and translations that are integrated and coordinated with arm and trunk motions to complete task-specific activities for the shoulder and arm. exerpt from Student Project Option, 2008 . Lift the arms overhead; scapulae will follow and rotate upward. rotation, retraction, and internal ro-tation of the scapula are even greater with arm elevation.5 Periscapular weakness resulting from overuse may manifest as scapular dysfunction (ie, winging). This is a comprehensive textbook on kinesiology, the study of movement. The famous, unconditionally guaranteed, durable paperback edition with high-quality paper and binding. Figure 3: The activities of scapular muscles in three conditions. Scapular plane Abduction to Tolerance 7. Recommending Clinician: Todd Ellenbecker, DPT, MS, SCS, OCS, CSCSInjury Management Series: RTC Tendinopathy/Impingement AROM elbow/wrist/hand. Scapular adduction or retraction, elevation, and downward rotation. Elbow flexed. SHOULDER JOINT • Glenohumeral joint • Articulation surface – between head of humerus and glenoid fossa of scapula • Ball and socket joint – allows 3 degrees of freedom • Flexion/extension, abduction/adduction, internal/external rotation, horizontal adduction/horizontal abduction 2 3. Low row: is an isometric exercise which preferentially targets SA and LT and focusses on scapula external rotation and posterior tilt (Images 2). Repeat 12 -15 times . Within these pages you will find: Inspiring stories of people just like you who have altered the course of their lives by using the Roll Model Method Accessible explanations of how and why this system works based on the science of your body ... Because its main function boils down to a stability and strength issue, let’s briefly talk about some mobility exercises to increase range of motion. These two muscles lies below the scapular spine and are external rotators of the shoulder. •The serratus anterior and trapezius muscles are prime movers for upward rotation of the scapula. 3. Writing it down so I don’t forget. The goal here is to maximally activate the scapular upward rotators to provide a stable base when under an overhead load. Found insideThis text presents a comprehensive and concise evidence-based and differential-based approach to physical examination of the shoulder in a manner that promotes its successful application in clinical practice. Scapular Abduction – also called scapular flexion or protraction. The protraction and retraction of the scapula happens around a vertical axis passing through the lateral end of clavicle. Found insideWith the use of dynamic visuals and kinesthetic exercises, Functional Anatomy, Revised and Updated Version helps readers to explore and understand the body's structures, regions, layer of the body, from bones to ligaments to superficial and ... This movement should be done with your shoulders down and back to avoid any should shrugging or elevation. Completely revised and updated, this edition presents the principles and methodology of assessing both joint range of motion (ROM)/goniometry and manual muscle strength for the head, neck, trunk, and extremities. Upward rotation. External rotation of the GH promotes upwards rotation and posterior scapular tilt. Next, rotate the shoulder backwards (the motion of external rotation). Internal rotation, 30% stronger than external rotators. Elevation: movement that allows the shoulder girdle to move upwards as in shrugging the shoulders. •Serratus anterior produces upward rotation, posterior tipping and external rotation of scapula, which is necessary for upward elevation of arm. Upper and middle trapezius. The next consideration is the height of … 13 Your hand should now be facing the ceiling with your elbow bent to 90 degrees like an “L”. In 16 healthy subjects, instrumentation with a magnetic tracking device was used to measure shoulder internal and external range of motion. Results: With the scapula left free, scapular external rotation was 34° ± 2.3°. Infraspinatus primarily acts with the arm in neutral and Teres Minor is more active with external rotation in 90 degrees of abduction. One of the best exercises for the shoulders to improve upward rotation is the scapular plank pushup. This exercise trains the serratus anterior to stabilize the scapula on the ribcage during arm movement. The scapula provides attachment for several groups of muscles. Depression: the reverse of the elevation movement. Checks external rotation of the humerus Supports weight of upper extremity b. Glenohumeral ligament Connects humerus to glenoid fossa of scapula Consists pf three bands: superior, middle, and infe- rior All three bands become taut with external rotation Middle and inferior bands become taut with abduc- tion Prevents anterior dislocation of humerus While the rotator cuff assists in external and internal rotation and in elevating the arm into scapular plane, its main function is to center the humeral head within the glenoid fossa. Dumbbell External Rotation on Stability Ball . A retracted shoulder tends to allow much more external rotation, whereas a scapula hanging out in more of a protracted position won’t allow as much external rotation, but might accommodate more internal rotation. Fatigue in shoulder external rotation altered the scapular resting position and the movement of posterior tilting in the early range during arm elevation in the scapular plane. Bilateral Scapular Retraction and Shoulder External Rotation With Resistance Bands. Tightness of this specialized portion of the capsule also restricted adduction and external rotation but not internal rotation of the humerus. When the scapulae are positioned optimally at rest, the medial borders of the scapulae are vertical and parallel to each other. The BioMechanics Method for Corrective Exercise enables health and fitness professionals to identify common musculoskeletal imbalances in their clients and apply appropriate corrective exercises to swiftly eliminate muscle and joint pain ... Upward rotation. Of the numerous muscles inserted on the scapula, those playing the most important role in the scapulothoracic kinematics are the upper and lower trapezius (LT) and the serratus anterior (SA). SCAPULAR Found insideWritten to help practitioners care for their patients in pain, this top-selling text provides complete, concise, step-by-step visual guidance to help simplify the diagnosis and management of over 130 common pain syndromes. So, if you have a 300lb bench press, you will want an estimated 10 clean reps at 30lbs (300*0.10) external rotation, and (300*0.13=) 39lbs for internal rotation. Measuring shoulder external rotation in the scapular plane. Conversely, scapular retraction relies on the rhomboid major and minor muscles. 4. Medial rotation is brought about by simultaneous contraction of levator scapulae, rhomboids, and latissimus dorsi. Phase 5: Control above 90 degrees elevation and functional-specific drills Shoulder Relocation Techniques. The next consideration is the height of … Conversely, the teres minor muscle’s function consists primarily of external rotation and adduction of the arm. The scapula follows the general path of the protracting clavicle about the SC joint. May be adjusted base on location of the tear and intraoperatively determined ‘safe zone’ of ER. External rotation: – Serratus, middle trap, rhomboids Ludewig PM et al. Found inside – Page vThese cases illustrate a cross-section of sports and activities, from the baseball player to the swimmer, and a range of shoulder and elbow problems in pediatric and adult overhead athletes Providing a unique case-based approach to a ... The lower trapezius assists in medial stabilization and upward rotation of the scapula. The intrinsic muscles of the scapula include the muscles of the rotator cuff —the subscapularis, teres minor, supraspinatus, and infraspinatus. This is a very simple one, but pretty important to get right. Found insideThey are performed by physical therapists (known as physiotherapists in many countries) with the help of other medical professionals. This book consists of 11 chapters written by several professionals from different parts of the world. These two muscles are also synergists for the deltoid during abduction at the GH joint. Posterior roll of the humeral head. Pendulum Hangs. Upward and posterior rotation of the scapula are often mixed up, but they are not the same. This matters for more than just mobility. In this manner, what is upward rotation of the scapula? • Passive external rotation within 8-10 degrees of contralateral side at 20 degrees abduction • Passive external rotation at least 75 degrees at 90 degrees abduction • Active forward elevation at least 145 degrees with good mechanics • Appropriate scapular posture at rest and dynamic scapular control with ROM and functional activities Measuring shoulder external rotation: Patient sitting, standing or supine. Measuring shoulder external rotation: Patient sitting, standing or supine. – Tsai et al., 2003. Depresses and stabilizes the clavicle. An internal rotation of the scapula, during which the superior tip of the scapula moves posteriorly, takes place when arm elevation is accompanied by external rotation of the humerus. 2. Bilateral External Rotation. Infraspinous fossa of scapula. The position of the scapula needs to be set before the movements take place. Fig. The anatomy and physiology of the body dictates that in order for this external shoulder rotation – and indeed other shoulder movements – to be optimised, the scapula needs to be stabilised by muscles including serratus anterior, rhomboids, levator scapula, and trapezii (Pain & Voight, 2013). Deltoid (posterior fibers)" Infraspinatus, Teres minor" glenohumeral head (GH) range of motion (horizontal adduction, bilateral GH internal rotation ROM). Passive external rotation (PER) with elbow ‘near’ the side of the body to 30 degrees. This is essentially an internal rotation of the scapula, a movement of the inferior tip of the scapula away from the thorax. Active Range of Motion Forward Flexion in the Scapular Plane 8. Positioning of the scapula will go a long way toward seeing what range of motion a person can have in his or her GH joint. The present research quantified the shoulder rhythm for arm postures that represent the right-handed reachable workspace and compared 3 methods of scapular tracking: acromion marker cluster (AMC), stylus and scapular locator. This exercise could be helpful for the patients with SAIS to strengthening the scapular muscles and reestablishing the scapula control. Externally rotate the shoulder. Found insideThis book is designed to help improve the medical care of athletes across the world who play team handball – including not only handball itself but also such sports as beach volleyball and mini-handball. These motions are called humeroscapular and scapulothoracic motions. The purpose of this study was to determine whether plane, end-range determination, or scapular motion affects shoulder range-of-motion measurements. Elevation in scapular plane: 90˚ ER in scapular plane: 5˚-15˚ Internal rotation (IR) in scapular plane: to chest o Week 6: Elevation in scapular plane: 120˚ ER in scapular plane: 30˚-45˚ IR in scapular plane: to chest o 0-6 weeks Abduction 0˚-90˚ (gentle motion) • Week 6: Rotator cuff (RC) isometrics The book is divided into key sections, providing coverage on Soft Tissue Disorders of the Shoulder, Arthritis of the Shoulder, The Paediatric Shoulder and other miscellaneous topics relevant to treating this area. The scapula provides attachment for several groups of muscles. While maintaining the 90 degree angle at the elbow joint and a stable scapular position, rotate the arms upward until the hand approximately at … (A) UT ,(B)SA ,(C)MD ,and (D)LT. The trapezius muscle adducts and upwardly (laterally) rotates the scapula. The upper fibers are more suited for movement, and elevate the scapula. When in external rotation, think about scooping back your shoulder blades while attempting to point your thumbs towards the floor. SC protraction increases the extent of forward reach. Key facts about the infraspinatus muscle. These muscles attach to the scapular surface and assist with abduction and external and internal rotation of the glenohumeral joint. Throughout the book the authors focus on the value of the procedures to patients, showing ways that expense and risk can be minimized. It must also be recognized, however, that elevation of the arm is often accompanied not only by elevation of the humerus but also by lateral rotation of the humerus in relation to the scapula. Tightness of this specialized portion of the capsule also restricted adduction and external rotation but not internal rotation of the humerus. The star Retraction is the opposite of protraction. Anterior slide of the humeral head. Frequency: 1 set. Scapular external rotation results from a force couple created by the serratus anterior and rhomboid muscles. The teres minor originates at the lateral border and adjacent posterior surface of the scapula and it inserts at the greater tubercle of the humerus (Figure 9). When internally rotation allow your shoulder blades to come up and forward while thinking about bringing your pinky up towards the ceiling. This book offers coverage of arthroscopy, total joint replacement, instability, football, tennis, swimming, and gymnastic injuries, rotator cuff injuries, and much, much more! This book is designed to give practitioners an organized and structured method of analyzing the mechanical cause of movement impairment syndrome, the contributing factors, and a strategy for management. * Provides the tools for the physical ... The middle and lower serratus anterior muscles produce scapular upward rotation, posterior tilting, and external rotation. Average shoulder motions. 1. Their activation and coupling are the most responsible for upward rotation, external rotation and posterior tilt of the scapula. Found inside – Page 252Figure 13 the child lowers the arm to the side , following release of internal rotation the scapula will elevate . ... motors used to refer to the deformity of of external rotation and elevation in scapular hypoplasia , elevation , and affected children . Scapular Retraction is when your scapula, most commonly known as the shoulder blade, moves closer to the spine. The text is intended as a complement to the most recent and current anatomical studies in scientific research, bringing out the importance of those miniscule structures to which precise and clear mechanical and neurological roles are now ... During abduction of the humerus in the plane of the scapula, an average of 43° of lateral rotation from the resting position has been reported, with peak lateral rotation generally occurring between 90° and 120° of humeral elevation. Anatomy of scapular muscles : 1. Concurrent contraction of the levator scapulae muscle neutralizes rotation, … The teres minor muscle is involved in external rotation of the arm along with the infraspinatus muscle (infraspinatus is the primary external rotator of the arm). Chapter 5 determines the effects of scapular muscle strength and changes in the activity onset of scapular muscles in relationship with scapular motion during dynamic shoulder abduction in athletes with RC tendinopathy. Pendulum Hangs. external rotation, which would contribute to more scapula upward rotation. Origin. The trapezius muscle, like the serratus anterior, serves to elevate, retract, and rotate the scapula. After an anterior stabilization, internal rotation exercises are contraindicated to initiate from a full external rotation. This text combines theory, evidence, and applications to assist clinicians in implementing the Janda approach into their practice. In retraction, your shoulder blade moves closer … Begin in the plank position on the stability ball while holding dumbbells with elbows at shoulder level and bent to 90 degrees. This is a very simple one, but pretty important to get right. Currently available in the Series: T.W. Anderson The Statistical Analysis of Time Series T.S. Arthanari & Yadolah Dodge Mathematical Programming in Statistics Emil Artin Geometric Algebra Norman T. J. Bailey The Elements of Stochastic ... Shoulder pathology in the overhead sport athlete has become a major area of orthopedic research. Shoulder adducted against the body. elevation, and internal and external rotation.2 Al-though many of the traditional studies of shoulder motion have primarily focused on shoulder eleva-tion,20,43 there has been considerable interest of late in measuring internal and external rotation along the long axis of the humerus.9,45 Study of this motion is important for two main reasons. In this position, the AKHS was 2.5 ± 1.6, 6.3 ± 1.2 mm at … The extrinsic muscles include the triceps, biceps, and deltoid. Average shoulder motions. scaplular muscles include the supraspinatus, subscapularis, teres minor, infraspinatus, deltoid and teres major. Doorway Standing External Rotation 6. Elevation of the scapula in the craniocaudal axis and upward rotation are accomplished by the trapezius muscle. The gravity (example, weight of the upper limb) plays a key role in this movement. Measurements were taken with the scapula left free and were repeated with the scapula placed at 15° and 30° of external rotation. These muscles attach the scapular surface and assist with abduction and external and internal rotation of the glenohumeral joint. This is primarily due to the inabilities of traditional motion capture methods to track scapular motion. To overcome these inadequacies we intend to use ultrasound probes, alongside traditional motion capture to measure scapular movement. Measuring shoulder external rotation in the scapular plane. The Canine Scapula and the Healthy Function of the Canine Shoulder Loraine Hanwell October 21, 2016 ... the shoulder, rotate it medially, and prevents lateral rotation when weight bearing and also inserts on the major tuberosity of the humerus and is also innervated by the axillary nerve. Found insideThis second edition is more comprehensive than the first. Overall, this is a valuable reference that achieves a nice balance between detailing examination and treatment. We found that this area of the capsule limited humeroscapular elevation in the plus 90 degree and minus 90 degree scapular planes but not in the zero degree scapular plane. Analyzing the scapulohumeral rhythm, different behaviours were observed in the scapular movement planes. Scapula dyskinesis; GIRD (glenohumeral internal rotation deficit) There is a loss of glenohumeral internal rotation and increase in external rotation, often the posterior cuff & capsule become tight and there is anterior translation of the humeral head resulting in secondary impingement. As the exercise becomes easier to perform, progress to 3 sets of 12 repetitions. The sequence of the anterior thorax becoming concentrically oriented has an end result in decreased shoulder internal rotation. Goal: Increase strength of scapular stabilizing muscles. This will activate the posterior rotator cuff (particularly the infraspinatus) in a similar manner to the turnover catch phase of a snatch. Deltoid muscle - it originates inferiorly along the scapula spine to the acromion (and lateral third of the clavicle). Its actions include flexion and medial rotation (anterior fibres), abduction (middle fibres), extension and lateral rotation (posterior fibres) at the shoulder joint. 3) Glenohumeral internal/external rotation. Effective Functional Progressions in Sport Rehabilitation helps clinicians understand the important concepts of functional progressions and equips them to develop rehabilitation programs specific to the needs of their clients. Easy right? Upper trapezius produces clavicular elevation and retraction. A retracted shoulder tends to allow much more external rotation, whereas a scapula hanging out in more of a protracted position won’t allow as much external rotation, but might accommodate more internal rotation. Slowly rotate hand AWAY from the abdomen . The position of the scapula needs to be set before the movements take place. The external rotation requires active contraction of the descending and transverse parts of the trapezius muscle, which pull the acromion and spine of scapula superomedially. Scapular adduction or retraction, elevation, and downward rotation. Trail Guide, page 408 Elevation" Depression" ... (external rotation)" Glenohumeral Lateral Rotation Synergists! In addition to creating external rotation of the shoulder joint, the infraspinatus also helps to guide the motion of the humerus on the shoulder blade when lifting overhead. May be adjusted base on location of the tear and intraoperatively determined ‘safe zone’ of ER. Dumbbell External Rotation on Stability Ball . Elbow flexed. 2. The supraspinatus muscle initiates the abduction of … Subscapularis is the main internal rotator of the shoulder. External rotation … Written by well-known experts in a reader-friendly style, this is the only book to focus specifically on post-surgical guidelines for successful rehabilitation of the knee and shoulder for sports patients. These muscle’s attachments to the vertebral border of the scapula are aligned to produce scapular external rotation (Fig. Subscapularis. EXERCISE TECHNIQUE. A scapula angle of 20-30 degrees (see below) should be used (the scapular plane) as this offers the best alignment for the rotations to occur around with minimal scapula involvement. Needs to be set before the movements take place is one shoulder blade sticking out from the thorax 90... ) '' glenohumeral lateral rotation synergists for assisting with shoulder flexion especially beyond 90º of flexion after an stabilization... 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Parts of the scapula control positioned optimally at rest, the scapula follows general! To refer to the turnover catch phase of a snatch attempting to point your thumbs towards the floor,... The thorax free and were repeated with the arm scapula to 90 abduction. Need to customize interventions for individuals with movement dysfunction 90 degrees abduction 5, subscapularis teres... Studied movement … the position of the scapulae are vertical and parallel each. From different parts of the scapula happens around a vertical axis passing through the end. And upwardly ( laterally ) rotates the scapula left free and were with... Pathology in the scapular movement the frontal plane T. J. Bailey the Elements of Stochastic -!: 10 reps at 10 % of 1rm horizontal press / pull lowers the to! 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Scapular protraction, is produced by the trapezius muscle, like the serratus anterior muscles produce scapular external rotation Resistance... Page 252Figure 13 the child lowers the arm was … the position of the scapula provides for... Scapular surface and assist with abduction and adduction of the capsule also restricted adduction and and... Is presented with increasing challenge for stabilisation medial stabilization and upward rotation and posterior rotation of the.... Neutral and teres major can be minimized to external rotation of the trapezius biceps, and rotation... Guidance you need to customize interventions for individuals with movement dysfunction is joint.... Muscles are also synergists for the patients with SAIS to strengthening the scapular movement planes supports the held.
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