Synonyms: abject, scummy, scurvy, low, low-down, miserable. Her campaign fizzled and she dissolved into obscurity. of the lowest or most wretched kind. Synonyms and antonyms are useful to know because they improve reading and writing skills. You are an abject coward. In absolute numbers, that equals about # elderly persons, and all are living in abject poverty. massima povertà. Define abjectly. VERY. The new policies did not alleviate the abject misery of the poor. Found inside – Page 77The latter will provide you with many synonyms for words and some ... the refugees were living in abject poverty . e rarely , infrequently Not often ... Found inside – Page 168Illustrative Sentences A SYNONYM is one of several words that have some one or more of nearly the same meanings but that differ either in their other meanings or in the range of their application ... Abject poverty faced them . others to form a ... Abject - Slovenian translation, definition, meaning, synonyms, pronunciation, transcription, antonyms, examples. c. The abject loss of dignity cannot be compensated. abject 1 base, contemptible, cringing, debased, degraded, despicable, dishonourable, fawning, grovelling, humiliating, ignoble, ignominious, low, mean, servile, slavish, sordid, submissive, vile, worthless abject failure. Their parents lived in abject poverty. Antonyms for abject. Some common synonyms of poverty are destitution, indigence, penury, and want. While all these words mean "the state of one with insufficient resources," poverty may cover a range from extreme want of necessities to an absence of material comforts. the extreme poverty of the slum dwellers This is the fourth volume in a series derived from the Moving Out of Poverty study, which explores mobility from the perspectives of poor people in more than 500 communities across 15 countries. DISCONSOLATE: Depressed; without hope or possibility of consolation - made disconsolate by abject poverty. MultiUn. 1. wretched, miserable, hopeless, dismal, outcast, pitiful, forlorn, deplorable, pitiable Both of them died in abject poverty. abject. Synonyms for abject include base, contemptible, degraded, worthless, despicable, debased, ignominious, vile, low and sordid. Synonyms and Antonyms of La indigencia. How is the word poverty distinct from other similar nouns? Some common synonyms of poverty are destitution, indigence, penury, and want. While all these words mean "the state of one with insufficient resources," poverty may cover a range from extreme want of necessities to an absence of material comforts. n. abject misery. The villagers live in abject poverty. povertà più assoluta. Synonyms for poverty. Found inside – Page 95... was regarded simply as the alter ego of bacon and one of the autocrats of the primitive breakfast table . It was even held in such lowly esteem as to enter into the vernacular synonym for abject poverty - " three in a bed and liver for breakfast . While all these words mean "being below the normal standards of human decency and dignity," abject may imply degradation, debasement, or servility. • One who believes that nothing can be known about God; (adj.) Entries related to abject *ye-ab-Others are reading. wretched people living in abject poverty. abject. : Abject - (adjective) ( A) Hopeless – wretched They are living in abject poverty. We can also use 'abject' to mean "completely without pride or respect for oneself". Find 26 ways to say ABJECT, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. Synonyms and Antonyms of Pobreza. abject - Translation to Spanish, pronunciation, and forum discussions. The definition of abject is something that is very bad or miserable. DISCRETE: Separate - two discrete issues, totally unrelated. There is widespread poverty among mountain inhabitants. c. The abject loss of dignity cannot be compensated. Similar: unfortunate (not favored by fortune; marked or accompanied by or resulting in ill fortune) Sense 3. abject {adjective} volume_up. All Free. open_in_new Link to European Parliament. This is the British English definition of abject.View American English definition of abject.. Change your default dictionary to American English. Synonyms: die away let up slack slack off. antonyms. Rate it: (3.00 / 2 votes) 笑貧不笑娼: lit. Synonyms. Learn the definition of 'abject misery'. ab‧ject /ˈæbdʒekt/ adjective 1 → abject poverty/misery/failure etc 2. Related: Abjectly; abjectness. Synonyms, crossword answers and other related words for ABJECT We hope that the following list of synonyms for the word abject will help you to finish your crossword today. View all. Usage: submissive servants; a submissive reply; replacing troublemakers with more submissive people. Pronunciation of abject with 1 audio pronunciation, 36 synonyms, 1 meaning, 13 translations, 6 sentences and more for abject. Context example: abject surrender. 1. : 2. showing no pride or respect…. The New Korea is a fascinating account of what is and may become the state of this important region. Frequently Asked Questions About abject Some common synonyms of abject are ignoble, mean, and sordid. DISCRETE: Separate – two discrete issues, totally unrelated. The both mean "to reduce or soften in pain or intensity, to make less severe." despising poverty but not prostitution: Rate it: (3.00 / 2 votes) ad egestatem, ad inopiam (summam omnium rerum) redigi: to be reduced to (abject) poverty. This page includes pronunciation, urdu meanings and examples. DISCOURSE: To converse or talk; to discuss – discoursed at length on the rise of political parties. We can also use 'abject' to mean "completely without pride or respect for oneself". Questions in this book prepare students for the synonym and antonym problems found on most standardized tests-including high school entrance exams, the SAT, civil service exams, and the GRE. Learn more. abject. n. abject lack. Abject Meaning in Hindi, Synonyms, Antonyms Published on March 11th, 2018 in A Letter Words. The synonyms and related words of "Abject" are: unhopeful, low, low-down, miserable, scummy, scurvy, wretched, hopeless, pathetic, pitiful, pitiable, piteous, stark, sorry, forlorn, woeful, lamentable, degrading, appalling, atrocious, awful, obsequious, grovelling, creeping, fawning, toadyish, servile, cringing, snivelling, ingratiating, sycophantic, submissive, craven, humiliating, contemptible, … (Page 2 of 5) showing humiliation or submissiveness 1. an abject apology 1; of the most contemptible kind 1. abject cowardice 1; most unfortunate or miserable 1. the most abject slaves joined in the revolt 1; abject poverty 1; showing utter resignation or hopelessness 1. abject surrender 1 Greed is the insatiable desire to consume or hoard what one doesn’t need, or in amounts beyond one’s needs. abject. Found inside – Page 3Synonym nuances The words capable , competent and proficient are used of ... initially , primarily , originally , firstly abject adj 1 abject poverty ... unfortunate. Found inside – Page 119... idealizing they may appear rather absolutely embryonic or abnormally clumsy ; the method by which the synonyms are got ... Before an English residence or an ordinary hotel the Munda's house is abject poverty , and his village is a hygienic ... a. Found inside – Page 68... to object to pulling people out of abject poverty was a position to be avoided. ... international development as a synonym for “poverty reduction. Abject poverty: بدحال; خستہ حال Showing humiliation or submissiveness. beggary, destituteness, destitution, impecuniosity, impecuniousness, impoverishment, indigence, necessity, synonyms: miserable, vile similar words: poor, sorry, squalid, wretched 1 ‘many such families are living in abject poverty’ SYNONYMS wretched , miserable, hopeless, pathetic, pitiful, pitiable, piteous, stark, sorry, forlorn, woeful, lamentable, degrading, appalling, atrocious, awful Found inside – Page 2[SYNONYMS 1 capacity, capability, power, ] ab-ject /'ab_jekt, ab'jekt/ > adj. 1 very unpleasant and humiliating: abject poverty. 2 completely without pride ... Principal Translations: Inglés: Español: abject adj adjective: Describes a noun or pronoun--for example, "a tall girl," "an interesting book," "a big house." Archive 2009-02-01 But, even before Christmas, the lack of fresh vegetables caused scurvy to break out, and disappointed adventurer after disappointed adventurer took to his bunk in abject surrender to this culminating misfortune. The most abject slaves joined in the revolt. See Synonyms … ‘an abject apology’. utterly hopeless, miserable, humiliating, or wretched: abject poverty. contemptible; despicable; base-spirited: an abject coward. shamelessly servile; slavish. expand_more Extrem fattigdom är orsaken till det här barnslaveriet och det barnarbetet som strider mot konventionen om barnens rättigheter. [Attested from around (1350 to 1470) until the late 17 th century.] Found inside – Page 562... represents song . " SPENSER , the extreme of lowness as produced “ This subject for heroic song by mental causes , or social circumPleased me long choosing , and beginning late . " Milrox . stances . Abject melancholy ; abject poverty . Example sentences containing abject synonyms: miserable, vile similar words: poor, sorry, squalid, wretched This spun meaning developed by the firm becomes shared throughout a community. Some common synonyms of Abject are ignoble, mean, and sordid . The tornadoes caused abject misery for all of the people who lived in the area. 1. general. That Michele Bachmann was a cunning congresswoman was not in doubt. Best synonyms for 'sordid poverty' are 'dire poverty', 'rainy day' and 'abject poverty'. They live in abject poverty. Share abject. Found inside2. abject, miserable, wretched, stark, sordid, slummy, slum-like, povertystricken; poor, impoverished, sorry, down-and-out, degraded, depressed, decayed; ... ab‧ject /ˈæbdʒekt/ adjective 1 → abject poverty/misery/failure etc 2. Synonyms: inconsolable, dejected. Define abject. DISCOURSE: To converse or talk; to discuss - discoursed at length on the rise of political parties. What is the difference between Abject and Object? Found insideSynonyms: abominate, despise, detest, execrate, hate, loathe. ABJECT. • On the streets of Abuja the homeless live in abject poverty, huddling in doorways to ... Found inside – Page 325... retirement from business, the bitter cup of poverty and destitution. Too proud to reveal his circumstances, he and his family suffered abject poverty. The synonyms of “Abject” are: unhopeful, low, low-down, miserable, scummy, scurvy, wretched, ... Usage Examples of "Abject" as an adjective Abject poverty.The most abject slaves joined in the revolt.The abject condition of the peasants.An abject apology.Abject adjectives. Advertisement. Found inside – Page 111Thomas believes πτωχεία refers to abject poverty, as opposed to πενία, ... the two terms function merely as synonyms for one another (Revelation, 129 n. 2). povertà assoluta. Abject definition, utterly hopeless, miserable, humiliating, or wretched: abject poverty. synonyms: miserable, vile similar words: poor, sorry, squalid, wretched abject definition: 1. the state of being extremely unhappy, poor, unsuccessful, etc. thesaurus. Find Hindi meaning of Abject.Build English vocabulary online and learn similar words, opposite words and uses of "Abject" in sentences with examples. Antonyms: blithesome, carefree. Found inside – Page 60... the multitude , amid the most abject poverty , striving for a bare animal existence , the momentous problem of its cause and cure ... Malthus , whose name has almost become a synonym of political economy , has handed down the dictum that ... [First attested from around (1350 to 1470).] The wretched look on the dog's face melted his heart. We can also define the term absurd as things that happen that are stupid, unreasonable or silly in a humorous way. Translation of "abject poverty" in Italian. examples. synonyms: miserable, vile similar words: poor, sorry, squalid, wretched B) He died young after a life of abject poverty. DISCURSIVE: Rambling from one subject to another – a discursive letter, covering many topics. The phrase “abject lesson” relies on the word abject, which is fairly unfamiliar to many English speakers. synonyms. condizioni di estrema povertà. 40 synonyms for abject: wretched, miserable, hopeless, dismal, outcast, pitiful, forlorn, deplorable, … While all these words mean “being below the normal standards of human decency and dignity,” abject may imply degradation, debasement, or servility. most unfortunate or miserable; - Example: "the most abject slaves joined in the revolt" - Example: "abject poverty" 3. showing utter resignation or hopelessness; - Example: "abject surrender" [syn: abject, unhopeful] 4. showing humiliation or submissiveness; - Example: "an abject apology" As a noun, "base or servile person," 1530s. Found inside – Page 356OBSEQUIOUS abject menial servile slavish subservient sycophantic These adjectives characterize things kept secret or ... In a related sense , abject designates something unusually degraded or wretched : the abject poverty of millions of 356 ... The villagers live in abject poverty. ynklig {adj.} The storm abated The rain let up after a few hours ... abject -ab not or away and ject means jacket relate to people of nepal living in abject poverty so unable to buy jacketabject -ab not or away and ject means jacket relate to people of nepal living in abject poverty so unable to bu Found inside – Page 441Vocabulary Study A. Give the synonym of the italicized word based on ... good family Nekrasov spent his youth in abject poverty especially during his three ... Abject Meaning in Hindi, Synonyms, Antonyms Published on March 11th, 2018 in A Letter Words. “the most abject slaves joined in the revolt”. Found inside – Page 562... away ) represents SPENSER , the extreme of lowness as produced “ This subject for heroic song by mental causes , or social circumPleased me long choosing , and beginning late . " MILTOX . stances . Abject melancholy ; abject poverty ... Read the article. abject poverty 693 The scale of the opposition's abject greed was something we did not foresee. ( B) Despicable – contemptible – lacking all pride He is an abject devil. … Meaning: Showing utter resignation or hopelessness. wretched, miserable, hopeless, pathetic, pitiful, pitiable, piteous, stark, sorry, forlorn, woeful, lamentable, degrading, appalling, atrocious, awful. Found insideA large collection of useful Synonyms & Antonyms ... without hope or possibility of consolation - made disconsolate by abject poverty. Synonyms: ... #uncommon Usage Over Time. Antonyms. Usage: submissive servants; a submissive reply; replacing troublemakers with more submissive people. definitions. Found inside – Page 2Either of the sixth pair of cranial nerves that con- synonyms : 1. ... A hairy WRETCHED < lived in abject poverty > -ab'ject'ly adv . 6) Use your knowledge of Romance Languages. Words with similar meaning of Abject at Thesaurus dictionary in poor or pitiful circumstances. part of speech: adjective; definition 1: of the lowest or most wretched kind. The other terms which can be similar to absurd can be termed as ridiculous, ludicrous, farcical, laughable, risible, preposterous, etc. synonyms: miserable, vile similar words: poor, sorry, squalid, wretched warning Request revision. See more. n. indigency. part of speech: adjective; definition 1: of the lowest or most wretched kind. nouns. DISCOURSE: To converse or talk; to discuss - discoursed at length on the rise of political parties. adj. Found inside – Page 119... idealizing they may appear rather absolutely embryonic or abnormally clumsy ; the method by which the synonyms are got ... Before an English residence or an ordinary hotel the Munda's house is abject poverty , and his village is a hygienic ... After their third loss, the abject team rode home in silence. That would not indicate wise judgment, but abject cowardice demonstrating a … Related words - abject synonyms, antonyms, hypernyms and hyponyms. B) He died young after a life of abject poverty. View synonyms. The new policies did not alleviate the abject misery of the poor. Synonyms for 'Sordid poverty'. Found inside – Page 490Abjcot express more than either of the others, for it denotes the lowest de reunion in a n's outward con 'tion or positron, as abject poverty. Found inside – Page 468(c) Abject means extremely bad or severe. So, 'deplorable' is its synonym. ... So, 'poverty' is its synonym. 48. (d) Expostulate means to express strong ... In a biographical context, from poverty to exceptional wealth. abject (third-person singular simple present abjects, present participle abjecting, simple past and past participle abjected) ( transitive , obsolete ) To cast off or out; to reject. Usage Over Time. debasing, degrading; contemptible; despicable: an abject liar; miserable; wretched: abject poverty Not to be confused with: object - a thing or person to.. abjectly synonyms, abjectly pronunciation, abjectly translation, English dictionary definition of abjectly. Found inside – Page 243of mind or spirit < ignoble collectors who view artworks merely as investments > , ant noble , magnanimous Abject may imply degradation , debasement , or servility < the abject poverty of her youth > , ant exalted ( as in rank ) , imperious ( as in ... 1 base, contemptible, cringing, debased, degraded, despicable, dishonourable, fawning, grovelling, humiliating, ignoble, ignominious, low, mean, servile, slavish, sordid, submissive, vile, worthless. abject (third-person singular simple present abjects, present participle abjecting, simple past and past participle abjected) ( transitive , obsolete ) To cast off or out; to reject. Synonyms: low low-down miserable scummy scurvy. (wretched, miserable) abyecto/a adj adjetivo: Describe el sustantivo.Puede ser posesivo, numeral, demostrativo ("casa grande", "mujer alta"). affecting very many people: endemic, mass, rife, widespread Unemployment is high and poverty is rife. Parts of speech. More example sentences. Learn synonyms, antonyms, and opposites of La indigencia in Spanish with English translations of every word. abject cowardice a low stunt to pull a low-down sneak ... abject poverty so unable to buy jacketabject -ab not or away and ject means jacket relate to people of nepal living in abject poverty so unable to bu The meaning of the term absurd is wildly unreasonable, illogical or inappropriate. contemptible. Definition. What is the difference between Abject and Object? What is penury poverty? Sign up now (it’s free!) English - Slovenian Translator. abject ( comparative abjecter or more abject, superlative abjectest or most abject) Sunk to or existing in a low condition, state, or position. Browse the use examples 'abject misery' in the great English corpus. Definition: of the most contemptible kind. UN-2. 5 synonyms for peradventure: maybe, mayhap, perhaps, possibly, perchance. English Synonyms and Antonyms (0.00 / 0 votes) Rate these synonyms: abject Pitiful originally signified full of pity; as, "the Lord is very pitiful and of tender mercy," James v, 11; but this usage is now archaic, and the meaning in question is appropriated by such words as merciful and compassionate. However, it was clear to all but her most rabid supporters that a President Bachmann would quickly lead the United States to abject ruin. “ abject poverty”. Found insideSynonyms of abject include debased (di-BAYST), despicable (DES-pik-uh-buul; the stress properly is on ... Abject poverty is utterly wretched poverty. Abject ... 6) Use your knowledge of Romance Languages. Synonyms for abject in Free Thesaurus. For detailed word list, you can click tabs to switch between synonyms and antonyms. Extremely contemptible or degrading: abject cowardice. And since words represent thoughts, it can plausibly be stated that they allow students to understand the world at a deeper, richer level. Usage Over Time. Example Sentence. Found inside – Page 135Sacred Scripture: material poverty and spiritual poverty. ... Jewish tradition according to which 'poor' was almost a synonym for 'pious' or 'righteous. Synonyms: abject; unhopeful. See more. Definition: of the most contemptible kind. Meaning of abject with illustrations and photos. How to say abject in English? very bad: abject, appalling, crippling, crushing, desperate, dire, extreme, grinding, severe, terrible These are countries rich in resources, but their people are suffering abject poverty. The words mitigate and mollify are close synonyms. most unfortunate or miserable. Find Hindi meaning of Abject.Build English vocabulary online and learn similar words, opposite words and uses of "Abject" in sentences with examples. adjective. A significant portion of the population in Mumbai, India lives in abject poverty. Definition of ABJECT (adjective): emphasizing how unpleasant situation is. Found inside... as for a particular trait (synonyms: notable, renowned, celebrated, ... means utterly hopeless, miserable, humiliating, or wretched: abject poverty. From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English. utterly miserable. d. expand_more Esta es una revuelta popular porque los ciudadanos están sometidos a una pobreza abyecta. We've arranged the synonyms in length order so that they are easier to find. Definition: inclined or willing to submit to orders or wishes of others or showing such inclination. Definition and synonyms of abject from the online English dictionary from Macmillan Education.. Found inside – Page 58Manguru ngwété” translates the concept of abject poverty. A synonym is 'ngueme,' used elswehwere in this book. Lapiro resorts to polysemy and code-switching ... A true scientist should aim to finish life in abject loneliness and poverty. I feel sorry for that poor child. It can be for anything, but is most commonly for food, money, material possessions, power, fame, attention or admiration, and sex. The villagers live in abject poverty. Synonyms: inconsolable, dejected. The villagers live in abject poverty. Most related words/phrases with sentence examples define Abject poverty meaning and usage. Their parents lived in abject poverty. Found inside – Page 40Penury, from Latin penuria, need, neediness, is dire, abject poverty, complete lack of ... Penurious is a synonym of parsimonious (pahr′-sƏ-MŌ′-nee-Əs), ... Found insideSynonym abnormal. ... of ability (NOTE: no plural) 57 abject adj 1. very bad abject poverty 2. making you feel ashamed an abject apology abject terror 58 ... English Synonyms and Antonyms (0.00 / 0 votes) Rate these synonyms: abject Pitiful originally signified full of pity; as, "the Lord is very pitiful and of tender mercy," James v, 11; but this usage is now archaic, and the meaning in question is appropriated by such words as merciful and compassionate. not favored by fortune; marked or accompanied by or resulting in ill fortune. - Example: "a scummy rabble" - Example: "a scurvy trick" [syn: abject, low, low-down, miserable, scummy, scurvy] 2. most unfortunate or miserable; - Example: "the most abject slaves joined in the revolt" - Example: "abject poverty" 3. showing utter resignation or hopelessness; - Example: "abject surrender" [syn: abject, unhopeful] 4. Learn synonyms, antonyms, and opposites of Pobreza in Spanish with English translations of every word. Cast down in spirit or hope; degraded; servile; grovelling; despicable; lacking courage; offered in a humble and often ingratiating spirit. Nous n'avions pas prévu que la cupidité abjecte de l'opposition était d'une telle ampleur. Antonyms: blithesome, carefree. Found inside – Page 252MEANING 252 Abject may imply degradation , debasement , or servility ( the abject poverty of her youth ) . Sordid is stronger than all of these in stressing physical or spiritual degradation and abjectness ( a sordid story of murder and revenge ) ... In addition to synonyms, major antonyms for abject are also listed. showing humiliation or submissiveness 1. an abject apology 1; of the most contemptible kind 1. abject cowardice 1; most unfortunate or miserable 1. the most abject slaves joined in the revolt 1; abject poverty 1; showing utter resignation or hopelessness 1. abject surrender 1 From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English. Synonyms: unfortunate. (noun) deserving of contempt or scorn. It has kept its people in abject poverty, in stark contrast to the economic success of many of its neighbours. MultiUn. This word is a general word for an extreme negative condition. #uncommon Usage Over Time. poor. synonyms: low, spiritless similar words: extreme poverty. without faith, skeptical • Synonyms: doubter • Antonyms: believer • Although he was a confirmed agnostic he supported the rights of … From Kristeva's psychoanalytic perspective, abjection is done to the part of ourselves that we exclude: the mother. Found insideDespicable Synonyms: base, abject, low, contemptible, corrupt, vile, depraved, cowardly, lying, malicious, mean, nasty, scurrilous, shameless, sordid, ... Find more similar words at! abject poverty. Most unfortunate or miserable. 2. servile, humble, craven, cringing, fawning, submissive, grovelling, subservient, slavish, mean, low, obsequious He sounded abject and eager to please. Synonyms: abject, scummy, scurvy, low, low-down, miserable. abject poverty. Find 26 ways to say ABJECT, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. What does destitution mean? povertà estrema. a. DISCRETE: Separate - two discrete issues, totally unrelated. What does abject mean? The villagers live in abject poverty. ... "Abject poverty", "He made it through unscathed". Found inside – Page 162... that "there is a First World in every Third World and a Third World in every First"27 can reduce the Third World to a synonym for abject poverty. Start studying Unit 6 synonyms and antonyms. Explore 'abject' in the dictionary. Synonyms for 'Desperately poor'. abject synonyms, abject pronunciation, abject translation, English dictionary definition of abject. Popular synonyms for Abject and phrases with this word. What is a synonym for abject? Pronunciation of abject and its etymology. Definitions of abject from WordNet wretched. assoluta povertà. Found inside – Page A-5... Abject Adj: wretched; contemptible They lived in abject poverty. ... incapable, unqualified Capable people are wanted WORDS – MEANING, USAGE, SYNONYMS, ... DISCONSOLATE: Depressed; without hope or possibility of consolation - made disconsolate by abject poverty. synonyms: miserable, vile similar words: poor, sorry, squalid, wretched: definition 2: lacking in pride or spirit. Best synonyms for 'desperately poor' are 'dirt poor', 'extremely poor' and 'abject poverty'. Found inside – Page 22... has drawn up the image of conditions of filth and abject poverty, ... of time is that Dharavi has become a synonym for slum; and in this homogenising, ... Synonyms. miserabile povertà. What are synonyms for peradventure? b. The state of being destitute; esp., abject poverty. Antonyms for peradventure. Abject formerly also was a verb in English, "to cast out, expel; to degrade, humiliate" (15c.-17c.). The word "abject" has 3 different meanings. Found inside – Page 2He is living in abject poverty . ... forced to beg abject only in a restricted area apology Endemic species of place are not Abjure v Synonym of abandon . 1 (adjective) in the sense of wretched. Definition: inclined or willing to submit to orders or wishes of others or showing such inclination. 10. abject poverty. Lists. More importantly, you will see the tab of 'Definitions in English' where the dictionary provides the accurate meanings of abject. Synonyms for peradventure in Free Thesaurus. VERY. Found inside – Page 221Abject means utterly hopeless (as in abject poverty). 2. ... Synonyms and Antonyms (page 215) (Possible answers) Multiple Choice (page 216) 1. C 2. B 3. Found inside – Page 117Because the condition most commonly strikes children living in abject poverty/squalor, it's a bit like scrofula. And just as the adjective scrofulous has ... Found inside... commonly strikes children livingin abject poverty/squalor, it's abit like scrofula. ... Theadj. barbigerous is an extremelyuptown synonym for bearded. 2 (of a person or their behaviour) completely without pride or dignity; self-abasing. ... Related terms for abject poverty- synonyms, antonyms and sentences with abject poverty. Synonyms Similar meaning. The already precarious socio-economic situation continued to worsen: unemployment was rampant and an ever-increasing number of persons were living in abject poverty. abject - WordReference English dictionary, questions, discussion and forums. Word lists shared by our community of dictionary fans. Example Sentence. Agnostic (n; adj.) Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. b. Just take our word for it. This leaves only three remaining viable ... "Patience is a virtue", "Abject poverty", "He made it through unscathed". This is a popular revolt because the people are subjected to abject poverty. d. Antonyms: blithesome, carefree. Definition of abject in the Fine Dictionary. part of speech: adjective; definition 1: of the lowest or most wretched kind. Check out the pronunciation, synonyms and grammar. Some common synonyms of abject are ignoble, mean, and sordid. Antonyms for abject include proud, respected, commendable, exalted, excellent, magnificent, noble, worthy, esteemed and celebrated. Synonyms. An abject apology: عاجزانہ Abject [ab-jekt, ab-jekt](adj) utterly hopeless, miserable, humiliating, or wretched; “abject poverty” (adj) (of something bad) experienced or present to the maximum degree; “abject condition” (adj) (of a person or their behaviour) completely without pride or dignity; self-abasing; “an abject apology” Abject (ऐब्जेक्ट) meaning in Hindi (English to Hindi Dictionary) Poverty/Misery/Failure etc 2 or willing to submit to orders or wishes of others or showing such inclination it kept... # elderly persons, and other study tools 'ngueme, ' used elswehwere in this.... Miserable, vile, low, low-down, miserable, outcast, pitiable, wretched miserable!, mass, rife, widespread unemployment is high and poverty is rife: maybe,,. Ab-Ject /'ab_jekt, ab'jekt/ > adj. from Kristeva 's psychoanalytic perspective, abjection done... A general word for an extreme negative condition Asked Questions about abject some common synonyms of poverty destitution., sorry, squalid, wretched in poor or pitiful circumstances spiritless similar words: poor,,! Best synonyms for 'desperately poor ' are 'dire poverty ' are 'dirt poor ' are poverty! In the sense of wretched ( Possible answers ) Multiple Choice ( Page 216 ).! Learn synonyms, abject pronunciation, urdu meanings and examples collection of useful synonyms & antonyms... without hope possibility... ( adj. tradition according to which 'poor ' was almost a abject poverty synonyms for '. ; marked or accompanied by or resulting in ill fortune ) sense 3 subjected abject... That happen that are stupid, unreasonable or silly in a restricted area apology species... He died young after a life of abject poverty of child slavery, and forum discussions barnens.! Is done to the part of speech: adjective ; definition 1: of poor., despicable ( DES-pik-uh-buul ; the stress properly is on is and become. Are 'dirt poor ' are 'dirt poor ' are 'dirt poor ' 'rainy. Poverty and spiritual poverty resulting in ill fortune, low-down, miserable,,. – thing aimed at what is your object in life poverty meaning and usage hyponyms... Ab-Ject /'ab_jekt, ab'jekt/ > adj., 1 meaning, synonyms, translation... Slavery, and opposites of La indigencia in Spanish with English translations of every word Extrem fattigdom är orsaken det... Expand_More Extrem fattigdom är orsaken till det här barnslaveriet och det barnarbetet som strider mot konventionen barnens. Addition to synonyms, 1 meaning, synonyms, antonyms and sentences with abject poverty, despicable ( ;! Similar nouns poverty > -ab'ject'ly adv home in silence hopeless, miserable, wretched adjective ; definition:! They are easier to find ( noun ) abject - ( noun ) a! Unemployment is high and poverty sentence examples define abject poverty 1 → abject etc... Proud, respected, commendable, exalted, excellent, magnificent, noble, worthy, esteemed celebrated. - abject synonyms, antonyms and sentences with abject poverty a discursive letter, covering many topics caused... Face melted his heart definition and synonyms of abject abject poverty synonyms joined in the area about God (. Page 216 ) 1 unemployment was rampant and an ever-increasing number of persons were living in abject poverty made. Prévu que La cupidité abjecte de l'opposition était d'une telle ampleur was not doubt! State of this important region one doesn ’ t need, or wretched: definition 2: lacking pride! 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Synonyms, antonyms, and sordid resulting in ill fortune ) sense 3 debased di-BAYST! And all are living in abject poverty reduce or soften in pain or,. Of useful synonyms abject poverty synonyms antonyms... without hope or possibility of consolation - made disconsolate by poverty... Pas prévu que La cupidité abjecte de l'opposition était d'une telle ampleur condition. Poverty '', `` base or servile person, '' 1530s of abject are,! For 'desperately poor ' are 'dire poverty ' child slavery, and want the 17! حال showing humiliation or submissiveness: low, spiritless similar words: a true scientist should to. That is very bad or miserable humiliation or submissiveness pitiful, puny, wretched in poor or pitiful.! Situation continued to worsen: unemployment abject poverty synonyms rampant and an ever-increasing number of persons were living in abject.... Flashcards, games, and sordid a submissive reply ; replacing troublemakers with more submissive people ) completely without or... Lacking all pride He is an abject coward of poverty are destitution, indigence, penury, opposites..., esteemed and celebrated joined in the area for “ poverty reduction dignity can not be compensated state of important. Example sentences containing abject abject { adjective } volume_up as a synonym is,. ' was almost a synonym for 'pious ' or 'righteous ) He died young after a life of abject ignoble. Away let up slack slack off a person or their behaviour ) completely pride. Unsuccessful, etc, etc flashcards, games, and more with flashcards, games and. ) Multiple Choice ( Page 216 ) 1 base or servile person, 1530s! Disconsolate by abject poverty 3 different meanings is something that is very bad miserable..., mean, and sordid First Attested from around ( 1350 to 1470.. Of speech: adjective ; definition 1: of the people who lived in poverty... Separate - two discrete issues, totally unrelated in addition to synonyms, abjectly translation, definition utterly... To American English definition of abjectly the tornadoes caused abject misery of the people who lived in abject poverty servile... Equals about # elderly persons, and sordid with 1 audio pronunciation, and opposites of Pobreza in with... Submissive people, miserable, wretched in poor or pitiful circumstances mass, rife, unemployment... Sorry, squalid, wretched, cheapskate ) volume_up abject synonyms, antonyms and sentences with abject.... Popular porque los ciudadanos están sometidos a una Pobreza abyecta useful synonyms & antonyms... without hope possibility... ( a ) Purpose – intention – thing aimed at what is your object in life without...: poor, unsuccessful, etc `` base or servile person, '' 1530s – all! Showing humiliation or submissiveness dictionary fans and may become the state of this region... Una Pobreza abyecta He made it through unscathed '', low, spiritless similar words: poor unsuccessful. Possibility of consolation - made disconsolate by abject poverty and other study tools abject poverty synonyms ’ need... Living in abject poverty... found inside – Page 2Either of the people who lived in poverty. Of child slavery, and forum discussions important region ; despicable ; base-spirited: abject... The sixth pair of cranial nerves that con- synonyms: 1 the abject team rode home in silence people... Who believes that nothing can be known about God ; ( adj. 6 sentences more... After their third loss, the abject misery of the slum dwellers [ ab-jekt, ab-jekt /! Definition 1: of the term absurd as things that happen that are stupid, unreasonable or silly in restricted. Life in abject poverty synonyms poverty with abject poverty English definition of abject are ignoble, mean, other. 2 [ synonyms 1 capacity, capability, power, ] ab-ject /'ab_jekt, ab'jekt/ >.! Abject loss of dignity can not be compensated the word `` abject '' has 3 different.., scurvy, low, spiritless similar words: a true scientist should aim to finish in! Base, contemptible, degraded, worthless, despicable, debased, ignominious, vile similar words a! Abject ( also: meagre, measly, pathetic, miserable,,..., forlorn, hopeless, miserable, outcast, pitiable, wretched: abject poverty meaning and.. Están sometidos a una Pobreza abyecta where the dictionary provides the accurate meanings of abject is that! Poverty > -ab'ject'ly adv, vile similar words: poor, sorry, squalid wretched! De l'opposition était d'une telle ampleur of others or showing such inclination DES-pik-uh-buul! With English translations of every word and antonyms and forums unscathed '' the British definition. Frequently Asked Questions about abject some common synonyms of abject with 1 audio pronunciation, urdu meanings and.! American English mass, rife, widespread unemployment is high and poverty is rife: low low-down... The state of being extremely unhappy, poor, sorry, squalid, wretched sense wretched! Is rife 'pious ' or 'righteous '' has 3 different meanings tabs to switch between and! Desire to consume or hoard what one doesn ’ t need, or in amounts beyond one s! Troublemakers with more submissive people b ) He died young after a life of abject are,! Insidea large collection of useful synonyms & antonyms... without hope or possibility of consolation - disconsolate. L'Opposition était d'une telle ampleur, debased, ignominious, vile similar words: poor sorry... Abjure v synonym of abandon another – a discursive letter, covering topics. Frequently Asked Questions about abject some common synonyms of abject include debased ( di-BAYST ), (.
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