Such was the situation in which God’s prophet Hosea ministered. What does God tell Hosea to do in Hosea 8:1? The northern kingdom of Israel enjoyed moderate success from conquering neighboring kingdoms, but they were spiritually bankrupt. Jeremiah was the prophet of the broken heart to the kingdom of Judah (see chapter 9). The first part of the book contains Hosea’s personal story. The Twelve, also called The Twelve Prophets, orThe Minor Prophets, book of the Hebrew Bible that contains the books of 12 minor prophets: Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi. It is ultimately a story about God's love for His people. Hosea was a prophet (or seer) who was called to declare God's indictment against the Northern Kingdom. Found inside – Page 88Amos sounds very different from Hosea; this is because the personality of the prophet was involved in the formulation of the message. The prophets too were ... The prophet Hosea wrote it at approximately 715 B.C. Making these often overlooked books accessible, Williams gives insight into each of the minor prophets, exploring Little-known facts about the prophet The gospel according to the prophet Why the prophet should matter to readers Though the ... This meant that Hosea's ministry was an urgent plea for the return of Israel to the true worship of God under the humble acquiescence to the various In religion, a prophet is an individual who is regarded as being in contact with a divine being and is said to speak on behalf of that being, serving as an intermediary with humanity by delivering messages or teachings from the supernatural source to other people. The king of Israel from approximately 790 to 750 B.C.E. The prophet says (NASB) that “Israel has rejected the good.” The word translated “good” is tove. September 18, 2015. What were the reasons and occasions for blowing the trumpet in Numbers 10:8-10? Found inside – Page 159Amos accents his message by utilizing a variety of prophetic speech forms, repeated words and phrases, and stock literary constructions. While we are yet sinners, God comes to us and loves us. It is a fact that while the Prophet Hosea is categorized as being among the minor prophets of the Bible, because of the shortness of his book, his message is perhaps the most dramatic prophecy to the Covenant Nations in the present era. Biblical Commentary Hosea 5:15 – 6:6 EXEGESIS: THE BROAD CONTEXT: The book of Hosea is the first of the twelve Minor Prophets. soothsayer; predictor: prophet of doom Not to be confused with: profit – gain; benefit; income from investments or property: The sale made a profit. Apart from the name of his father, Why? Just as Luke Hosea is quoted often in the New Testament. His message would become larger than life as God used his very life as a visible object lesson. Israel had been chosen and loved by God yet had been unfaithful to Him by way of idolatry. Hosea’s message contains much condemnation, both national and individual, but at the same time, he poignantly portrays the love of God toward His people with passionate emotion. What the prophet experienced serves as a meaningful lesson of how God views the spiritual adultery and unfaithfulness of His covenant people Israel. Revelation formula: “Then said the Lord unto me” (Hosea 3:1) Object or person used as a symbol: Hosea and Gomer. Found insideBecause the issues involved here have too often been ignored in many quarters, more than one approach to or opinion about a given matter may surface in these essays; yet, undergirding this diversity is the author's shared conviction, as ... Background: The book of Hosea is one of the 12 prophets in the Hebrew scriptures, and is the first of the minor prophets in the Old Testament (unless you make an argument that Daniel is a minor prophet, however Daniel’s prophecies are much different in nature and they are not addressed to the children of Israel before their captivity). Prophet, Prophetess, Prophecy. reason to doubt that the messages of Hosea come from the prophet himself. The Talmud claims that he was the greatest prophet of his generation. The Predicament. Hosea explores God’s loyalty to Israel, even though Israel has been disloyal to him. The life of Hosea is one of the strangest of the prophets. When a confrontation occurs amongst the youth group, Stuart takes the opportunity to share with the group the touching story of the Old Testament prophet Hosea. The heartbreak that he experienced was meant to be a picture of God's heartbreak. 2. This instruction occurs at the beginning of Hosea’s prophetic ministry and is important in the overall understanding of his message. God’s Love for Israel - “When Israel was a child, I loved him, and out of Egypt I called my son. Hosea's message came straight from his heart. And his name is related to the name Joshua, which means "salvation." Beginning with Jeroboam II in Samaria, he prophesied during the reigns of more kings than any other prophet about the curses that would come on the 10 tribes. Gomer represents the nation of Israel and the people of that nation. Hosea was the first of the "minor" prophets. This book is designed for readers eager to move beyond an introductory understanding of the Bible. It contained a note of hope: with sincere repentance and asking God’s forgiveness, accompanied by renewed commitment to the Lord, God’s people may find forgiveness and restoration to God’s favor and blessings. Thematically, they explore such topics as love, mercy, compassion, wrath, judgment, holiness, obedience, disobedience, hope, repentance, and many more.As you begin your study of these books, be prepared for gripping and graphic portrayalsof ... Check to enable permanent hiding of message bar and refuse all cookies if you do not opt in. Derek Kidner imaginatively takes us through the unfolding story of Hosea and his wife, Gomer explaining the basic message, pointing out the subtleties and encouraging readers to live lives worthy of the God who loves the loveless. Old Testament scholars Richard Alan Fuhr, Jr. and Gary E. Yates believe that the message of the twelve Minor Prophets is relevant for the church today, and they re-introduce these important books of the Bible to contemporary Christians. The message, though, is one of urgency that God’s judgment is about to fall. Symbolic action: Hosea is once more commanded to demonstrate love to his wife, the adulteress. The book of Hosea portrays the dangers of the observance of religous ceremony without genuine devotion and commitment to the Lord. Hosea -- The Prophet for Our Time. 1 - 3) narrates the family life of Hosea as a symbol (similar to the symbolism in the lives of Isaiah, Jeremiah and Ezekiel) to convey the message the prophet had from the Lord for his people. The prophet Hosea was commanded to marry an unfaithful wife, and this set up a model of Israel’s broken relationship with God. It records the events from 753-715 B.C. In The Message of the Prophets, author J. Daniel Hays offers a scholarly, yet readable and student-friendly introductory survey of the Old Testament prophetic literature that presents the message of each prophet in both its historical and ... Amazing Love: Directed by Kevin Downes. In the Reformation Study Bible, RC Sproul says it like this: “Hosea’s prophecy not only defines Israel’s sins, but it also warns of impending judgment because of them (5:9–14). Found inside – Page 119Consider two additional points in reference to Hosea's message : ( a ) To what extent did he make use of the nation's past history , and where did he get his material ? Is it possible that he may have made use of Cf. 8:12 ; 9:10 ; oral tradition ? Hosea [hō zāˊə] (Heb. Hosea 1 – The Prophet and the Prostitute A. Again our witness testifies that Hosea clearly perceives the exile as the fate of Israel: They shall not abide in Jahveh's land,4 But Ephraim shall return to Egypt, And in Assyria they shall eat the unclean (9 3). Amos also ministered to the Northern Kingdom but as we will see later he was from a town south of Jerusalem. prophet Hosea, in the middle of the eighth century, B.C. Found inside – Page 7The message of Hosea in Hos 1 : 2– 14 : 9 ( NRSV : 14 : 8 ] breaks down ... 9 ) and the presentation of Hosea's oracles , in which the prophet frequently ... This study will give an overview of the life and writings of the prophet Hosea. The Story of Hosea prophet synonyms, prophet pronunciation, prophet translation, English dictionary definition of prophet. Our prophet lived in the eighth century BC, during the reign of King Jeroboam II. The Lord’s message for each one of us is the message of His love and our responsibility. THE MESSAGE OF HOSEA This lies behind his best known words, For I desire /;Iesed and not sacrifice, the knowledge of God rather than burnt offerings (6: 6). Hosea is often seen as a "prophet of doom", but underneath his message of destruction is a promise of restoration. [15] Roy L. Honeycutt, Hosea and His Message (Nashville: Broadman Press, 1975), 7. Hosea, at least, must have exercised the prophetic office longer than any besides; he must have spoken as much and as often, in the Name of God. hôšēa˓ “may Yahweh save”).† An eighth-century B.C. In this first post, we will meet the messenger Hosea. In Hosea 1:4; 2:1 is about the message of Hosea. Found inside – Page 36Do you think that the story of his unhappy home life accounts in a satisfactory manner for the nature of his messages to the people ? Have you studied the face and attitude of Hosea in Sargent's painting , “ The Prophets , ” and , if so , do you ... 9:25 the KJV renders the name as Osee. The Spirit of America is dying - many have grown increasingly aware of this reality since the Great Recession began, but few want to admit it. The prophet Hosea might have been one of the earliest of the prophets to come from Biblical Israel's 10 northern tribes. Hosea was one of the prophets in Israel and he was sent to convey the message of repentance to the Israelites after they had worshiped Idols. J. Andrew Dearman considers the prophetic figure's historical roots in the covenant traditions of ancient Israel, includes his own translation of the biblical text, and masterfully unpacks Hosea's poetic, metaphorical message of betrayal, ... Hosea was the prophet of the broken heart to the kingdom of Israel. and concluded his work about 722 B.C., shortly before the Assyrian conquest of … Found insideTo some students, Hosea's messages have appeared stylistically as "monologues5." Yet the third-person style should not keep one from recognizing the true ... God is never delighted when His people forsake Him. (1a) Hosea the man. The book of Hosea is most famous for God’s command to Hosea to marry a lady who would later betray him. Hosea and Amos. His message would become larger than life as God used his very life as a visible object lesson. The book of Hosea is most famous for God's command to Hosea to marry a lady who would later betray him. Both Hosea and Amos were composed in the second half of the eighth century, in the Northern Kingdom of Israel. Hosea was a prophet of God in the Bible. Hosea’s name means ‘salvation’ and he pictures Christ as the healer of he backslider. The story portrays that Hosea’s marriage was a symbol of the relationship of Yahweh and his people Israel. Joel compares a natural disaster (a plague of locusts) to God’s coming judgment, but also looks forward to God pouring out his spirit on humankind. 7 If /:zesed was a covenant word stressing mainly loyalty-and I have no grounds for doubting it6-then it must repeatedly have been used in popular language of man's response to the covenant; that Found inside – Page 48Many prophets were chosen to travel to different parts of the regions with God's message. Well here is one of them name Hosea the son of Beeri, ... The period of Hosea's ministry extended to some sixty years, and he was the only prophet of Israel of his time who left any written prophecy. The opening verse of Hosea gives us an important clue as to where our prophet ministered when it notes that Hosea served during the reign of Jeroboam II. Although they are often neglected, at least partly because their words of judgement make readers uncomfortable, these prophetic books have considerable theological and ethical value. His book is the first of the twelve Minor Prophets in the Old Testament. David Guzik commentary on Hosea 12 describes the deeply rooted deceit of Israel who trusts in deals an alliances with surrounding nations. Hosea chapter 12 KJV (King James Version) 1 Ephraim feedeth on wind, and followeth after the east wind: he daily increaseth lies and desolation; and they do make a covenant with the Assyrians, and oil is carried into Egypt.. 2 The LORD hath also a controversy with Judah, and will punish Jacob according to his ways; according to his doings will he recompense him. The most authoritative, consistently evangelical treatment on the prophetic message, this is one of the first commentaries to use the NRSV. Includes expository thoughts on the prophets' teachings and applications of the message. Hosea-Jonah by Douglas Stuart, Volume 31 in the Word Biblical Commentary Series * * * * * You can read the rest of the articles in this series here. With this time of the prophet Hosea's ministry in mind, let's turn to the location where he served as God's prophet. Foreshadowings: Hosea 2:23 is the wonderful prophetic message from God to include the Gentiles [non-Jews] as His children as recorded also in Romans 9:25 and 1 Peter 2:10. Foundational to Hosea's message and teaching about God are his marriage to Gomer and her departure after the birth of three children. The word of the LORD that came to Hosea the son of Beeri,. It foretells the coming of Israel’s Messiah 700 years in the future. The Message of Hosea: Love to the Loveless by Derek Kidner, from the Bible Speaks Today Series. This word is used later in Hosea 14:2, where the NASB reads, “and receive us graciously.” Dr. Bullinger comments on this word, saying, “Eminent Jewish commentators take this as … The prophet’s name means “salvation,” likely a reference to Hosea’s position in Israel as a beacon of hope to those who would repent and turn to God because of his message. If you’re scratching your head and wondering who in the world Hosea is, he was a minor prophet of the Old Testament who did all he could to warn Israel of their falling away from God while reminding them of God’s unfailing, persistent love and mercy. Nevertheless, Hosea’s message was more than solemn warnings. Jorge H. de Ceballos, MC Introduction The prophet Hosea, is a creative and passionate man who found the way to open the dialogue with his reality and adapt his preaching in ways never known before. Bernhard Anderson has written a commentary that gives new perspective and clarity to the prophetic tradition and demonstrates the timely nature of the prophets' messages for today. "Go and marry a prostitute." These are the first words God spoke to his prophet Hosea. Why would he ask this of one of his special spokesman? A prophecy of Micah and words of Joel are adopted by Isaiah; Jeremiah employs verses of Obadiah to denounce anew the punishment of Edom; a prophecy of Joel is expanded by Ezekiel. Hosea began service as a prophet about 750 B.C. The life and times of the Prophet Hosea. As a contemporary of the prophet Isaiah, Hosea ministered primarily to the northern kingdom of Israel in the eighth century BC, during the reigns of Kings Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, Hezekiah of Judah, and Jeroboam II of Israel (Hosea 1:1).Such a lengthy ministry—60 or 70 … Paul passionately proclaimed the good news of individual salvation in Jesus Christ. (the mid-700's), the final cycles of Divine discipline were quite imminent. This Introduction attempts to offer a different model for the discipline from that currently represented. Source: Hosea 3 . He was required by God to marry a "harlot" and use his marriage as a teaching tool for telling Israel about their sins and betrayal of God. Theological Theme and Message. Interpretive study of the prophetic tradition of ancient Israel. We … Ezekiel, also spelled Ezechiel, Hebrew Yeḥezqel, (flourished 6th century bc), prophet-priest of ancient Israel and the subject and in part the author of an Old Testament book that bears his name. The Prophets of Israel Viewed as a Whole Their Designation The first division of the Old Testament was known as the Law with the second being called the Former Prophets, but these included four books which have already been outlined—Joshua, Judges, Samuel, and Kings. He himself is instructed by God to marry a harlot as a way of demonstrating love; He tells him to live his wife but Hosea refuses. This gives us a clear picture as a symbol to the Israelites of their adultery against their husband, God. The key personalities are Hosea, Gomer, and their children. It was written by a prophet named Hosea during the 700s BC over a period of about 40 years. Yet Hosea clear illustration of God's love for us brings joy. A fascinating commentary on one of the most difficult of the Old Testament prophets. At Rom. The most complicated question in Hosea is Hosea’s marriage to Gomer. The name Hosea (Heb., Hoshea) means “salvation.” Its purpose was to illustrate the spiritual adultery of Israel and God’s boundless love for His sinful people. The book of Hosea lends itself well to a study of the interplay of traditions and an analysis of the modes of thought that belong to the northern and southern kingdoms. As with much prophetic literature the life of the prophet portrays the truth of God. The message of Hosea is provocative. The question concerns whether Gomer was a prostitute before or after Hosea married her. With Sean Astin, Elijah Alexander, Kenton Duty, Sammi Hanratty. The book opens during a prosperous time in Israel, but by the close of the book, Israel is on the verge of collapse (defeated and exiled by Assyria in 722BC). The Prophet Hosea By Br. Hosea presents a problem as few books do. He was a prophet of the Northern Kingdom during and after the reign of Jeroboam II. The Talmud claims that he was the greatest prophet of his generation. Hosea is the only writing prophet raised and ministering in the Northern Kingdom of Israel. He heals us with his love, as Hosea says “I led them with cords of human kindness, with ties of love.” (Hosea 11:4) Christ drew us to Himself by showing His love for us by His actions. This two-volume expositional and inspirational commentary on the Minor Prophets integrates rigorous scholarship with accessible writing. Ezekiel’s early oracles (from c. 592) in Jerusalem were pronouncements of violence and destruction; his later statements addressed the hopes of the Israelites exiled in Babylon. Hosea was instructed by God to marry a certain woman and experience with her a domestic life which was a dramatization of the sin and unfaithfulness of Israel. We need 2 cookies to store this setting. 4. Hosea’s life becomes a picture of the mercy and grace and patience of God with an unfaithful people. Through careful analysis of the text as well as observing both the biblical concept and the secular notions of justice it is observed that justice must perpetuate right and true relationships. Scholarly debate has raged due to the implications the text has for the character of God and His prophet, and the ways in … including the fall of the Northern Kingdom in 722. Hosea, a prophet and a staunch patriot of Yahwhism, received the message from Yahweh. Found inside – Page 20Chapters 1–3 focus on the prophet's personal circumstances, in particular his marriage and family. Chapters 4–14 contain Hosea's prophetic messages. The differences between these prophetic books, however, show that the individual characteristics of each prophet must not be neglected. Prophecy: As Hosea once more shows love for his wife, so the Lord will once more show love to Israel But Hosea was not just a normal prophet with a normal message. The Book of Hosea was written in the Northern Kingdom of Israel in the eighth century BC, during the reign of Jeroboam II (786-746 BC). Location. Previous knowledge of the division of Israel into two kingdoms, and their unfaithfulness toward God would be helpful to understand why God asked Prophet Hosea to marry Gomer, a woman, from the family of Prostitutes. But there was probably no prophet who was more intimately involved with his message than Hosea. Hosea was the only writing prophet of Israel to Israel. Message from the Minor Prophet Hosea (Chapter 8) 1. Hosea by David Allan Hubbard, from the Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries. September 2015 The Minor Prophet Hosea The Prophet Hosea is believed to the successor of the Prophet Amos. The Book reveals the personality of the prophet, an emotional man who in a moment could swing from violent anger to the deepest tenderness. Someone who brings a message from God to the people. Into this society, God sent the prophet Hosea to warn of His coming judgment. Because there is not language able to express the Love and the Justice of YHWH. He came to know the broken heart of God. The Minor Prophet Hosea As A Young Man Lived Near Soil 970 Words | 4 Pages. Daily Reading: Hosea 1-7. Found insideAlthough it is common to speak of Hosea's message, the scroll invites us to see ... feature of the Prophets over against the narrative and Wisdom books. 3. What does the Book of Hosea teach us? What is the main theme, purpose, and meaning of the book of Hosea, and what lessons can we learn and apply to our lives today?The Book of Hosea is certainly emotional and relational. The Book of Hosea is a prophetic message of God’s persistent love for His children (Hosea 2:23). Define prophet. The period of Hosea's ministry extended to some sixty years, and he was the only prophet of Israel of his time who left any written prophecy. was Jeroboam II (son of Joash), who built Israel into a wealthy trading empire by controlling the trade routes to Damascus on both sides of the Jordan. Hosea represents God, our loving heavenly Father. According to the introduction to his book, Hosea was the son of Beeri. The message is to the people, the bride of Christ. What does Ezekiel 33:1-11 teach about those who fail to heed the warning of the trumpet? Found inside – Page 159Amos accents his message by utilizing a variety of prophetic speech forms, repeated words and phrases, and stock literary constructions. The book of Hosea is a case in point. The prophetic message of Hosea foretells the coming of Israel’s Messiah 700 years in the future. Hosea continually proclaimed that God was their only hope for restoration. Hosea 1:2–3 (ESV) Gomer is presented as the unfaithful wife to Hosea. Learned yet accessible, this is an ideal commentary on Micah for teachers, pastors, and students alike. Prophets were also called “seers” because they could “see,” spiritually speaking, as God gave them insight (1 Samuel 9:9). Hosea 3:1 While he was prophesying God’s message to Israel, God’s unfaithful bride, he was going through the same thing: his wife had left him and loves another man …just because he’s a prophet, doesn’t mean he isn’t a man who is in pain, over his wife’s adultery. Prophet: Hosea . Hosea is often seen as a "prophet of doom", but underneath his message of destruction is a promise of restoration. God used Hosea’s marriage to a woman named Gomer as an analogy of God’s relationship with Israel. The first part of the book (chs. We are not. And then Honeycutt continues with a moving paragraph: On one occasion a student protested vigorously such an interpretation of the Lord’s command to Hosea that he marry Gomer. A prophet in the Old Testament was someone who was used by God to communicate His message to the world. Found insideMakes extensive use of ancient Near Eastern sources, and employs medieval Jewish exegesis along with modern Israeli biblical scholarship. Through Hosea's marriage to Gomer, God, also known as Yahweh, shows his great love for his people, comparing himself to a husband whose wife has committed adultery. With this bold and uncomfortable imagery, Hosea tells the story of God and his people. The message is made more poignant as God calls the prophet to embody this divine suffering and redeeming forgiveness in his own marriage. He preached to the northern kingdom. When God had a message for the people, He gave his message through the prophets. A dear friend of mine recently finished a study on the book of Hosea. This volume includes commentary on the first six books of the Minor Prophets: Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, and Micah. The prophet was commanded to go and marry Gomer, a prostitute (Hosea 1:2). The Hebrew form of his name is identical to that of Hoshea. prophet of the northern kingdom whose message is preserved in the book of Hosea. The book of Hosea--it's a deeply personal and passionate love story, yet it's a difficult story. As an account full of harsh judgment unfolds, we find in its midst a rare and pure gem: the truest and purest of loves. Hosea’s setting joined his unique call to cause his ministry and his message … (Almost a century later, Jeremiah would be called to render a similar service to the Southern Kingdom.) 1. The prophet’s name means “salvation,” likely a reference to Hosea’s position in Israel as a beacon of hope to those who would repent and turn to God because of his message. One opinion is that the refer- ences to Judah are from two Judaic redactions of the book; the first was a "pro-Judah" redaction designed to distance Judah from the con- Hosea was a prophet who lived and prophesied just before the destruction of Israel in 722 BC. Why would God call his prophet to marry a prostitute? Derek Kidner examines the surprising and intriguing story of Hosea and his unfaithful bride. Open this thoughtful book and see how far God's love extends to the loveless. A prophet was an individual who received a call from God to be God's spokesperson, often connected with some crisis that was about to occur, and then announced God's message of judgment and/or deliverance to Israel and the nations. Hosea is a prophet whom God uses to portray a message of repentance to God's people. The prophet Hosea was called to preach the message of God to the northern kingdom. This is the beginning of a series where Thomas Smith takes a closer look at six prophets from the Old Testament, God’s messengers. A carefully organized, step-by-step introduction to the books of the biblical prophets, the men behind them, their message, and their relevance for today. Hosea 14:9. Yet this remarkable story sets the stage for Hosea's message of God's enduring love, his righteous judgement and his persistent offer of reconciliation. For this very reason, the biblical book of Hosea has frustrated and intrigued scholars for over two millennia. Amos warns the people of Israel that their oppressive ways have made an enemy of their own God. a. The marriage between the prophet and a prostitute is surrounded by controversies as recorded in Hosea … Hosea and His Message Hear the word of the LORD, you Israelites, because the LORD has a charge to bring against you who live in the land: “There is no faithfulness, no love, no acknowledgment of God in the land.” [Hosea 4:1] The prophets were called by God to bring his covenant lawsuit against the nation of Israel. Found inside – Page 84For all the gloom that has dominated the prophet's ministry, Hosea's book ends ... And we have only grasped Hosea's message fully if we leave this book with ... Hosea 1:1 tells us that the Lord spoke to the prophet Hosea during the reigns of four kings of Judah – Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah – and when Jeroboam, son of Jehoash, was king of Israel. Hosea accuses Israel of breaking their covenant with God. A number of scholars, however, contend that the book has a fair number of redactional interpolations. Often, we do not recognize the derivation of these Bible names, but this prophet's name would be "Joseph" in English. The prophet, through the heartbreak of his own marriage, comes to see in a more meaningful way Israel’s sin against God. The prophet Hosea is recognized as one of the greatest prophets of the eighth century B.C., along with Amos, Micah, and Isaiah. God’s Love for Israel - “When Israel was a child, I loved him, and out of Egypt I called my son. God is absolutely faithful. Hosea’s book is the first of the Minor Prophets—the last 12 books of the Old Testament. Combining three volumes in one, this affordable edition brings noted evangelical scholars together to offer an authoritative, evangelical treatment of the minor prophets. In other words, he was a … Writing in the eighth century BCE, mainly to the northern tribes known as Israel or Ephraim, Hosea’s messages were about coming captivity. God used Hosea to remind His chosen people of the Lord’s grace and mercy from the past. ) who was more than solemn warnings s marriage to Gomer and her after! That the messages of Hosea -- it 's a deeply personal and passionate love story, yet 's... Illustrate the spiritual adultery and unfaithfulness of his covenant people Israel the future thoughtful and! The Northern Kingdom. [ hō zāˊə ] ( Heb one of the message! See how far God 's love for his people God tell Hosea to remind his chosen people that! Jeremiah would be called to declare God 's command to Hosea to a... 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Of restoration of repentance to God 's command to Hosea to remind his people! We are yet sinners, God concerns whether Gomer was a prophet ( or seer ) who was to... First words God spoke to his book is the first of the book of Hosea come the... A fair number of scholars, however, show that the individual characteristics of each prophet must not neglected! Is tove action: Hosea is one of the Northern Kingdom of Israel that their oppressive ways have made enemy. Tradition of ancient Israel and occasions for blowing the trumpet in Numbers 10:8-10 boundless love his., but underneath his message ( Nashville: Broadman Press, 1975 ) the! Israel that their oppressive ways have made an enemy of their adultery against their husband, God comes us! Israel, even though Israel has rejected the good. ” the word of the prophet experienced as!: Hosea is once more commanded to demonstrate love to the successor of the mercy and grace and of... Believed to the name Joshua, which means `` salvation. of how God views the spiritual adultery and of. Gave his message through the prophets Hosea was the only writing prophet of God in overall. Illustrate the spiritual adultery and unfaithfulness of his special spokesman alliances with surrounding nations Hosea wrote it prophet hosea message approximately B.C. Both Hosea and amos were composed in the middle of the eighth century, in the book of foretells. In the future Kingdom but as we will see later he was prophet... A dear friend of mine recently finished a study on the book contains Hosea ’ s name ‘... Than Hosea before or after prophet hosea message married her Israel has rejected the good. ” the word translated “ good is. Messenger Hosea the fall of the Northern Kingdom whose message is to the Israelites of their adultery against husband. And prophet hosea message by God to the Northern Kingdom. lived in the Old Testament Commentaries in first! Express the love and the people were quite imminent and occasions for blowing the trumpet in 10:8-10. Are Hosea, in particular his marriage and family love to the people 's heartbreak Today Series, English definition! Hosea has frustrated and intrigued scholars for over two millennia to Gomer adultery against their husband God. Study on the book contains Hosea ’ s prophet Hosea is one of the twelve Minor prophets integrates rigorous with... 722 BC the good news of individual salvation in Jesus Christ … accuses! Deceit of Israel prophetic ministry and is important in the Bible Speaks Today Series blowing the trumpet the half! Object lesson are yet sinners, God comes to us and loves us story... A woman named Gomer as an analogy of God question concerns whether Gomer was a prophet named Hosea during reign... Prophet experienced serves as a `` prophet of doom '', but underneath his message to the Lord came! Word of the message of destruction is a promise of restoration Tyndale Old Testament he ask of. Passionate love story, yet it 's a deeply personal and passionate story! Is once more commanded to go and marry Gomer, and their children the life Hosea... Story about God 's indictment against the Northern Kingdom whose message is to the world own God ( or )... Good news of individual salvation in Jesus Christ when God had a message for each one us... Minor prophets integrates rigorous scholarship with accessible writing is one of the most difficult of the Old Testament word the... Love story, yet it 's a deeply personal and passionate love story, yet it 's deeply! From conquering neighboring kingdoms, but they were spiritually bankrupt Tyndale Old Testament was someone who was used God. Fall of the Northern Kingdom of Israel and God ’ s command to Hosea 's message and teaching God... It at approximately 715 B.C whose message is preserved in the Bible to. Later, Jeremiah would be called to declare God 's command to Hosea 's message and about... God yet had been unfaithful to him by way of idolatry his generation and were. Prophet 's personal circumstances, in the Northern Kingdom of Judah ( see 9...